пятница, 25 декабря 2020 г.


How the Founder of HowHeAsked.com Got Engaged!

How the Founder of HowHeAsked.com Got Engaged!

By Stacy Tasman for The Knot

How they asked: There are two questions I always get asked first about HowTheyAsked. Why did I start it and is your boyfriend scared to death to propose to the girl who has seen it all?

Answer one: I started it because a friend of mine got engaged. I loved seeing her irrevocable smile when it happened and I later loved telling people who never even knew this friend about how her now husband asked. It was as simple as that.

Answer two: I have seen it all, yes, but that "all" belonged to other people. Whenever my proposal would happen, it would be different because it would be happening to me. It didn't matter what I'd seen. I'd never seen my handsome guy look me in the big brown eyes, tell me things I now don't remember, and ask me to marry him.

My "scared-to-death" boyfriend didn't have to amount to anyone or anything the proposal girl had seen. He just had to ask.

The only thing that seeing thousands of proposals every year signed me up for was that I felt absolutely positive that I would pick up on it before he did. I was sure I would piece it all together, and ruining my own surprise was the only thing I thought I was destined to do.

On to my proposal story…


That certainty in place, it was December 18th. Greg and I were eating pancakes with my parents and peeking out the hotel window to see how much new snow was hitting Beaver Creek. No one was being particularly nice to me and my dad even made some typically annoying comment to Greg and I about my impatient wait for you know what question. It wasn't the first time my dad (or I) joked, teased or pressured the case, so I thought nothing of it. Greg laughed, I made a sour face, and we all headed out to ski.

A few of my dad's friends met up with us to ski: ordinary. Skiing with a big group of guys started to annoy me: ordinary. We met my mom for lunch: ordinary. The day was like all the 30-plus other days Greg and I had skied together before.

So when my dad told us this was his last run, and Greg and I agreed to head in as well, my mind was made up that I was ready to be off the hill. The slope we took happened to be a hard one, my legs were tired, and on our way down, Greg yelled that he needed to fix one of his boots. We pulled over towards the tree line and I started to squat and wait for him to get back in shape. After a few too many seconds of holding myself up, I kneeled to the ground and turned to check on Greg who was a few feet below me.

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John Jordan Photography

I saw both his skies unclipped at this point and, confused, I asked him what happened? He didn't answer.

"Honey, what happened?" I said somewhat urgently.

He still said nothing, but started to hike up the mountain towards me. Of course a lot of stuff ran through my head. I kinda looked to the left and right but it was hard not to look directly at his face as I seriously freaked out on the inside. Was he going to tackle me and kiss me like we did in Steamboat? Was he going to sock me with a snowball? Was he going to propose!?

So I started asking more questions. The same question over and over actually, just in different tones.

What are you doing?

Greg, what are you doing?

Babe stop, what are you doing?

He said nothing until he was kneeling right in front of me taking off my goggles for me. He put his hands on me, looked me in the eyes, and shakingly said my name….

"Stace" is all I remember hearing (though he said much more) except myself screaming ohmygod and a lot of the less appropriate common surprise phrases. He must have said the words will you marry me, but again that darn shock got me.

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John Jordan Photography

Then he started unzipping his jacket and he pulled out a box. My hands covered my face, I was scared to look, but of course I did and then the graceful words "holy s**t" came out as I swung my arms around him.

I was shaking and so was he and he asked if I said yes. We kissed and the most confident yes came out of me.

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John Jordan Photography

He put the ring on my trembling finger and told me he wanted to propose in the place we fell in love. I told Greg I couldn't believe it and then he told me John (one of my dad's friends) was taking pictures from a far. I waved to John and still wasn't sure it actually happened.

When it was time to ski down together, so many questions were racing out of my mouth. Do my parents know? When did you get this ring and where? Are you still serious right now? I felt like I was on a snowboard for the first time because I was so shaky I couldn't concentrate. I could have fallen over any second, though it didn't slow me down. I couldn't wait to see my parents and tell them they were going to be father-and-mother-of-the-bride, or give my new fiance another kiss!

Read the rest over at HowTheyAsked.com!

Want more? Obviously!

> We're crazy about these holiday proposals from HowHeAsked.com

> Read how these couples from HowTheyAsked.com got engaged

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