понедельник, 25 января 2021 г.


The Healing Power of Dandelion Tea

The Healing Power of Dandelion Tea
‘A cup of tea would restore my normality.’ – Douglas Adams
‘A cup of tea would restore my normality.’ – Douglas Adams | Source


Other health related hubs by the author~

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  • Wild on Health - What is your Body Mass Index?
    Annual physical check up allow us and our doctor to review all the essential aspects of our health-our past and present medical history. It's also a good way to develop a good rapport with our doctor. Did you have your annual medical check yet?

Tea for you?

I like tea and I love to play around with the variety of flavors that I get in the market, both organic and non-organic.

My cupboard is packed with all sorts of flavored tea from the regular black tea to green tea and other fruit fusions.

One of my all time favorites is green tea for its simplicity and benefits. However, recently I’ve discovered dandelion tea and I’m excited to share with you here the many benefits of this humble tea. Dandelion tea tastes good. You can drink it plain or with honey or sugar, if you wish.

While most would consider dandelion to be a nuisance to a perfectly green lawn or garden, health enthusiasts insists on the many wonderful health benefits of dandelion from its roots to its leaves.

Research had shown that dandelion leaves and roots contain a significant amount of vitamins A, C, D and B complex. It also contains magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, choline (for improve memory), boron, calcium and silicon.

Dandelion is mostly effective in eliminating toxic in our body by targeting our digestive system. It helps in the release of bile from our liver to out gallbladder and thus, help in the digestion of fat. Dandelion is one of the top six herbs in the Chinese herbal and medicine chest.

Enjoy some mellow moments~ | Source


As most herbal tea, it has no known serious side effects and selectively act on only on what ails us. However, it is recommended that you consult your health provider before you take dandelion tea.

Allergy reactions are rare but it can happen like mouth sores or rash. Again, please consult your doctor if these occur and if you are pregnant or breast-feeding before taking any herbal tonics.

Guideline for proper tea seeping | Source

Did you know?

Dandelion tea can be made solely from the blossoms, the leaves, or the roots (roasted or not)—or, the entire plant.

Did you know?

Tea was traditionally used to promote focus, concentration and a feeling of strong connection to other human beings. ~

Some of the health benefits of dandelion tea:

  1. It enhances detoxification by stimulating urination while replacing the potassium lost due to the increased volume of urine.
  2. It reduces the risk of urinary tract infections and help ease bloating.
  3. Act as tonic and help relieve digestive disorders like constipation and diarrhea.
  4. It aids in keeping our liver, kidney and gallbladder function at its best and can be used for treatment of liver disorders such as hepatitis and jaundice.
  5. It is known to dissolve kidney stones.
  6. It is considered anti-oxidant and used to purify our blood and cleanse our system. Thus, improve the condition of our skin. It helps our body avoid cell damage from free radicals.
  7. It may be applied directly to patches of eczema for relief.
  8. It helps regulate blood sugar and therefore, beneficial for diabetic patience.
  9. It helps regulate the level of cholesterol in our body.
  10. Gout sufferers may benefit from drinking dandelion tea as it can potentially decrease uric acid build up resulting in less pain and discomfort.
  11. It is used in anti-plaque preparation.
  12. It is used to alleviate water build up in Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS).
  13. Drinking dandelion tea benefits vision by supplying our body with the essential vitamins (A&B), which is necessary for good eyesight and night vision.
  14. It helps our body fight off toxic bacteria and viruses.
  15. It helps stabilize mood due to its Vitamin B complex and thus, help combat depression.

Making dandelion tea by gathering fresh plants is a good exercise. | Source

Did you know?

Dandelion tea is traditionally served plain (as is), and can also be made into other beverages—like coffee, beer, ale and wine.

Making dandelion tea by gathering fresh plants is a good exercise. So, this spring/summer improve the look of your lawn by gathering the fresh dandelion plant.

Also, composting the used dandelion tea blossoms, leaves and roots will absolutely improve the composition of your soil.

Remember though that good health comes from having a good habit in terms of our diet, including exercise to keep our body toned and enough sleep to keep us well.

This spring and summer don’t be riled that dandelions are sprouting up all over your garden. Instead, be creative and put this weed to good use. Remember that all parts of dandelion plant are edible from roots, leaves to flowers.

Dried dandelion leaves | Source

Here’s how to make your fresh dandelion tea~

Dandelion Tea from the leaves~

  1. Collect dandelion leaves. Younger and smaller leaves preferred.
  2. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Place it in a colander to drain or pat dry with paper towel.
  3. Scatter the leaves on a tray and let them dry in a warm room or air cupboard. Occasionally turn the leaves to even out dryness.
  4. Once dry, store the leaves in a glass jar out of direct sunlight and they are ready for use.
  5. For each cup of tea, add 1 teaspoon of dried leaves and pour boiling water.
  6. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes.

Note: You may add mint leaves for added flavor or serve it with a slice of lemon or orange.

Dandelion Tea from the Flowers~

  1. Gather some dandelion flowers.
  2. Clean the flower by washing it thoroughly, removing any small dirt or insects that may be clinging on the petals.
  3. Pull the petals away from the base of the flower and place them in a colander. Discard the other flower parts and wash the petals again.
  4. Put a handful of the clean petals in a cup and pour in boiling water.
  5. Let it stand for around 2-3 minutes.

Note: You may drink it plain or with honey to taste.

Have your tea and eat your dessert. | Source

The pleasure you get in drinking tea...

You might have to sit in a particular way to take your tea, wait patiently to be served and consume a very specific quantity whether you're by yourself or with a good company. Could be enjoyed cozily indoor or outdoor while listening to the swaying branches of trees and humming birds.

Roasting dandelion roots | Source


Dandelion Tea from the roots~

  1. Harvest dandelion roots.
  2. Shake off the soil and rinse under fresh running water.
  3. Cut the foliage from the root.
  4. In a large bowl, soak the dandelion roots with water for around 15 minutes to remove remaining dirt.
  5. Drain in a colander or pat dry with clean towel.
  6. Chop the root up into small pieces using a kitchen knife.
  7. In a baking sheet, scatter the roots and cook in the oven at around 65-70 degree Celsius for 2 hours.
  8. Store the roasted dandelion roots into a glass jar ready for brewing.

Note: Harvesting dandelion root depends on the looseness of the soil. You may be able to pull the plant with its root out of the ground by hand, if the soil is soft. If the ground is compact and hard, use a small hand shovel to loosen the dirt so that you can pull the dandelion out with the root intact.

The foliage of the dandelion leaves could also be used for salad or other recipes. So, save it when you chop the roots. It can be stored by wrapping it in a moist paper towel and refrigerate.


  1. Combine 1 tbsp. of the roasted dandelion root with 8 oz. of water in a small saucepan. You may adjust the ratio according to your taste. You may also add a stick of cinnamon if desired.
  2. Over high heat, boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea through a sieve before drinking.
  4. Add honey or sweetener, if desired.

Enjoy your cup of tea!

Disclaimer: Although the author swears by the health benefits and healing power of dandelion tea, this hub is written for information purposes only and to promote health awareness. Our bodies react differently to different medicines/alternative medicines. What may work for the writer may not necessarily work for you.

Herbs are natural. However, it can interact with other herbs or medicines.

Please consult your health provider if you have some serious ailments as earlier mentioned in this hub before taking in dandelion tea. Thank you.

Copyright@ CrisSp~TM/04-2013. "Domestic Diva depending on the mood!" ~

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