вторник, 26 января 2021 г.


The Ultimate Low Porosity Hair Regimen Strategy

The Ultimate Low Porosity Hair Regimen Strategy

Oh yes, low porosity hair regimen is really important when it comes to hair care! But how can you build a regimen specifically just for your low porosity hair needs?

Before we just into it, Let me introduce myself if you're a newbie here!

Hi There! I am Queen, I would like to warmly welcome to my Natural hair Blog! Here i share great information and valuable tips that will help you maintain your natural hair, after all we all want a beautiful crown, right?! :)

I made a special page for you all (my lovely queens!) with helpful resources like coupon codes, discounts and products that will help you and me in our hair journey! I'll also be sharing different Best Selling Products for natural hair as i discover them!

Natural hair cheat sheet - grow your natural hair

I think we can learn to embrace and have fun taking care of our hair, so join me and let's do it together(Join My Exclusive Facebook Group to get instant access to me and let's build a community beyond hair)!

Lastly, i have a gift for you! We've all been there, The struggle to grow and maintain out hair Long! Ugh, i know trust me! My hair was stuck at shoulder-length for the longest till i finally passed it :) Now my hair is all the way to my bra strap!

I made this to help a sista out! You can get your free Natural hair cheat sheet guide to longer hair here!

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's continue!

Well, today we are going to talk all about building the right low porosity hair regimen!

The Ultimate Low Porosity Hair Regimen Strategy

How Do You Know If You Have Low Porosity Hair?

A great way to know your porosity level if you are not sure if you have low or high porosity hair is by you taking the hair porosity test.


The porosity test is fairly easy to do and it will help you understand better your hair type.

Since natural hair can be different from person to person, so is your hair porosity level.

How do you do it? You will place the strand of hair in a glass of water.

Then, allow a few minutes for the hair to absorb the water at its own rate.

Note that the hair that remains at the top of the water is listed as low porosity hair.

If your strand of hair flows midway in the glass is classified as average porosity. Lastly, If your hair sinks to the bottom almost immediately are called high porosity.

Basic Simple Tips for forming the perfect regimen for low porosity hair.

Weekly Hair Tasks to include into your low porosity hair regimen.

1- Pre-poo. The Question is, How do you pre-poo?

Well, You pre-poo your hair the night prior to washing. A good pre-poo to try is Naptural85’s pre-poo method.

2- Wash and deep condition my hair. After I shampoo your hair you should always deep condition.

Since your hair is low porosity and is hard to absorb moisture, it needs all the help it can get.

A great way to go about it is to use a moisturizing deep conditioner because of the low porosity aspect of your hair.

Your hair needs more moisture than it needs protein. but when you feel that it needs protein, you should trade the moisturizing deep conditioner for a light protein deep conditioner.

A great deep conditioner to try is TGIN Honey Miracle Deep Conditioner and you can also use the TGIN Moisturizing Shampoo on wash days.

3-Deep condition with heat: If you have low porosity hair then by now you will find out that deep conditioning is truly a must for low porosity hair.

It’s a really important way of getting moisture to penetrate the shaft of the hair.

Note that heat will help open the cortex and make it easier for moisture to penetrate your hair shaft.

If you can’t sit under a dryer, you can steam your hair while deep conditioning, use your handheld blow dryer, or just deep condition overnight.

A good trick is to warm up your deep conditioner, This will help the process of your deep conditioning.

When you are done, rinse with cool water to seal in the moisture that your hair has taken in.

An important thing to do when deep conditioning my hair:

  1. I use heat. After applying your deep conditioner, I sit under a hooded dryer to allow maximum hydration to my hair strands for 15 to 30 minutes.

Normally, After you wash and deep condition, you should put my hair in a kind of protective style for the week.

You will notice that protective styles help a lot with length retention and you want your hair to grow, right?!

How do you Moisturize Low Porosity hair daily?

You might ask yourself, okay but how do you keep your hair feeling moisturized and smooth?

The answer? A Leave-In Conditioner!

Do you know that leave-in conditioners come with many benefits as it contains antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients that are good for the overall health of your hair?

Oh yes, Leave-in conditioners are the best way to go for those with low porosity hair.

Why? Because your hair has a very hard time absorbing moisture so with a leave in conditioner you can be sure that the moisture stays locked in the hair.

Regular use of leave in conditioners can help revive damaged, dulled hair, prolong hair, encourage new hair growth.

The Low Porosity Hair Regimen Breakdown

Let me break down important steps you should follow or at least try during this time you’re building your hair regimen for low porosity.

How to moisturize low porosity hair daily

To learn how to moisturize low porosity hair daily & effectively, I think you need to experiment with different methods to see which is best for you.

From what’s known, the two most common methods of moisturizing hair are the ‘LCO method’ & the ‘LOC method’.

It is known that the LCO method is best for low porosity hair but let’s get to know both methods:

L = Liquid

C = Cream

O = Oil

The LCO method stands for:L – Add a liquid to the hair = hydration (water or a water based leave-in conditioner.)

C – Cream.

O – Oil or butter( it seals and help retain hydration in your hair)

You can keep your hair hydrated by doing this method from a couple of times a day to each 2 or 3 days.


Why do we wash our hair? Well, The goal on wash day is to remove product build-up, refresh, cleanse and moisturize my hair.

It’s wise to try to do styles that can carry you through the week.

I love washing my hair in 3-4 sections for easy detangling and washing.(Try it!)

Clarifying Your hair can be done monthly or every 6 to 8 weeks.

Did you know that buildup can prevent hair from absorbing water when a moisturizing treatment is applied?

That’s why it’s best for you to use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a month to remove old products from your strands.

Then, follow with a protein-free rinse out conditioner.

A cool trick is to wash your low porosity hair with warm instead of cold water to help the cuticle open a bit which will allow the moisturizing ingredients from the conditioner to enter the hair shaft.

Once you’re done with conditioning you ca rinse with cool water to close the cuticle and seal the moisture inside the hair.


Bentonite clay is a great natural deep cleanser for low porosity hair.

Why? It has strong absorptive properties that attract the impurities and remove excess product buildup.

A bentonite clay hair mask softens resistant hair, making it more manageable and receptive to styling products.

Clarify with Bentonite Clay Since Shampoo can dry your hair and make it harder to moisturize your cortex is already laid down compactly shut, so you want to focus on gentle ways of cleansing.

Using a bentonite clay mixed with carrier oils as well as ACV would leave a clean refreshed feeling without being stripped.

Another thing to try is to rinse this mixture out of your hair with warm water to help keep the cuticles open as you proceed with your normal wash day regimen as it was mentioned the above video.

How to add deep conditioning into your low porosity hair regimen

Deep conditioning (at least once a month) is crucial for loading low porosity hair with necessary moisture.

A good way to start is by applying your conditioner to clean, damp hair then apply mild heat to make the deep treatment more effective.

Since you know that one of the best ways to help moisture enter the hair shaft is to incorporate a steamer or with a heated gel cap into your hair care regimen.

When Using a hair steamer for 15-30 minutes, it can help loosen up tightly closed cuticles, allowing the conditioning ingredients to penetrate the hair shaft and infuse your strands with moisturizing nutrients.

A quick option is to sit under a hooded dryer with a plastic cap on for 10-15 minutes.

Last but not least, wait for about two hours if you are using a plastic cap and your own body heat or just deep condition overnight.

Also warming up your deep conditioner will help the process as well. When you are done you can rinse with cool water to seal in the moisture that your hair has taken in.

What to use Right After You’ve washed and Deep Conditioned Your hair?

A great thing to do is to use a water-based, leave-in conditioner on damp hair after every shampooing.

Liquid-based leave-in conditioner, that contains little to no protein, will infuse your non-porous hair with hydration and lubricate the hair shaft, without coating the hair with too much product.


Another way to add moisture is: Steam your hair!

A good way to add moisture into your hair is to steam your hair 1-2xs a week for 10-15 minutes to help open up cuticle of your hair.

What about Protein treatments on Low Porosity hair?

You can do a light protein treatment every 6 -8 weeks on your hair.

Although low porosity hair is not protein-friendly, it still needs moisture/protein balance to behave.

Note; Stay away from too much protein!!

Did you know that low porosity hair usually is protein sensitive and does not require too much protein?

But since many products do contain protein without necessarily being a protein based treatment you need to check and go for moisture based products instead of protein products that will have your hair feeling very dry.

If you don’t check that, it can also lead to damage and breakage.(Yikes!)

Let’s talk Lighter Oils for Low porosity hair Regimen!

Since low porosity hair struggles to allow moisture in, it will also struggle to allow oils to penetrate the shaft.

We all know that oils will sit on top of the strands and weigh it down causing your hair to feel heavy.

Try focusing less on heavier oils such as coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil you’ll want to focus on lighter oils like grapeseed, almond oil, and babassu oil.

How to Style Your Low Porosity hair?

Here are some great options for styling your hair:

  • Pull it back in a bun and wear it like that for the rest of the week.
  • Twist or braid my hair and wear a twist/braid out for most of the week
  • Try Protective styles!

Great Conditioners for low porosity hair

  • Aussie Moist
  • Aussie Moist Deeeeep Conditioner
  • Giovanni, Smooth as Silk
  • Giovanni 50/50
  • Tresseme Naturals
  • Suave Shea and Almond
  • Cantu Shea Butter

Things to remember to incorporate into your regimen if you have low porosity hair.

  1. Heat. Heat is your best friend whether you’re deep conditioning or applying products. It helps with the absorption of the products.
  2. Spray your hair with hot water before applying your products if you don’t have time to sit under a dryer or steamer.
  3. Even when your hair is in a protective style, remember to moisturize regularly.

What’s Your Biggest Struggle in your hair regimen?

Hey Low Porosity Hair Natural, What to Read Next?!
Check these awesome posts out:

xo, Queen

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