четверг, 28 января 2021 г.


Toddler Meals

Toddler Meals

It's taken me some time to figure out what to feed my daughter. She is two and a half and isn't too picky but has days where she would only eat fruit snacks if she could. I remember asking my mom what to do (probably drove her crazy and still do!), I looked on Pinterest for help, googled what to feed my toddler and now I finally feel I have a handle on it.

Mornings have been a little tough lately. She has been hungry but hasn't been into eating a big meal. We fix pancakes or waffles over the weekend and freeze them so she can eat them through out the week. She eats cereal some days too. I'm trying to steer her away from too sugary cereals but she will eat honey nut cheerios or Life cereal. She likes Lucky Charms (what kid doesn't) but she has gotten bad about picking the marshmallows out and eating only those so she doesn't get them as much. I try to give her milk or water to start out with and she takes a vitamin every day too. Side note: she used to only drink chocolate milk and while I'm OK with her drinking it every now and then she wasn't drink enough regular milk. We started calling it vanilla milk and now she drinks it all the time. Whatever works!

Snack time: I'm trying to get her to eat healthy snacks. I love that she chooses fruits most of the time. I usually give her pretzels (she loves when I put snacks like this in a cup to carry around), string cheese, fruit, sometimes she gets goldfish or a yogurt tube. Yogurt tubes are like gogurt but they are Chobanis version of those. My daughter has always loved yogurt. She mainly eats Greek yogurt which is good because she doesn't eat a lot of meat so she is still getting protein. She gets snacks a couple times a day. A few hours after breakfast, when she wakes up from her nap and before bedtime. I'm working on not snacking so much myself so that's helping her limit her snacks too. She either eats yogurt or ice cream before bed. She loves ice cream and I try to limit that as well.

I took some pictures this past week of meals she ate during lunch and dinner.

Lunch 1: Peaches, peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread and mixed vegetables. She loves peanut butter and jelly and I'm sure she would eat that every day but as you can see I've tried to give a little variety. She loves any kind of fruit and I think there are only a few vegetables she doesn't like but she cleaned her plate every time she ate this week!

Lunch 2: Apples, grilled cheese and green beans. I actually buy little cans of vegetables and warm those up for her each day. As you can see she tends to eat the same ones on the same day...I try not to waste them if I don't have to. I forget they are in the fridge sometimes.

Lunch 3: Peaches, a few shortbread cookies and english muffin pizza. Not the most healthiest of meals but I watch the sugars and things she eats during the week. It's all about moderation.

Dinner 1: Bananas, mixed vegetables and pulled pork. We called the pork "chicken" because she loves to eat chicken...she will figure out later in life that we've lied to her...but it gets her to eat! I try to get her to eat what we eat for dinner so I'm not making a lot of different things. We had pulled pork and cole slaw that night so she got fruit and veggies...unlike us...she's more healthy than me sometimes! Gotta work on that...

Dinner 2: Strawberries, green beans, cheese quesadilla with sour cream. She loves dipping her food in things but poor girl is allergic to ranch...she loves ketchup and barbecue sauce.

Dinner 3: Chili with cheese and a few wheat crackers. She cracked me up because she ate half of this bowl and then realized she was eating hamburger meat...she did finish most of it though so she could get a snack.

As far as drinks go, I give her milk with every meal and she still drinks half water half juice but mostly drinks just water. Sometimes we will give her a little gatorade, or mix in a little MIO or give her chocolate milk but those are all in moderation.

These are a few items I give her. The other day I made a snack for her I found on Pinterest. Bread rolled around peanut butter and a banana. She loved it! I'm trying to get us all to eat healthier and the thing I love about my daughter is that she tries things and either likes them or not but she actually eats a lot of things I don't like myself!

*I got these plates from Walmart and I love them!

***updated Toddler Meal post will be up first of the year! (12/22/13)***

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