четверг, 28 января 2021 г.


Tomato Pie with Honey and Feta Cheese

Tomato Pie with Honey and Feta Cheese
Summer tomato pie with feta cheese and honey #vegetarian #tomato #summer #pie #galette | TheAwesomeGreen.comPin

I just got a notification about our Sicily plane check-in – wow, is it already June? The first half of the year passed so quickly and although I try to fill my days with meaningful actions and live mindfully, it still feels like time is going by so fast.

Cooking seasonally is one of the ways to live the moment and it’s one of my favorite practices. It already is the tomato season and since I switched my cooking to the Mediterranean mode, I decided to make this basil flavored tomato pie with honey and feta cheese.

It was simply delicious! The only thing that I would improve is be to cook and serve it outdoors next to our beloved Mediterranean Sea (what a dream!).

Otherwise, the combination was really a hit. Honey and vinegar perfectly balance the tomato taste, while all the other details – aromatic herbs, toasted pine nuts, roasted garlic and the creamy feta cheese make this dish truly taste like holidays.

There’s so much more to explore about tomatoes beyond a simple salad. While most of the vegetables loose a lot of their nutrients when cooked, things are totally different with tomatoes. Their carotenoids lutein, lycopene and beta-carotene actually turn more stable when tomatoes are boiled or roasted, especially if their peel is kept untouched.

Lycopene especially has exceptional effects on lowering the lipid oxidation in our blood stream, reducing the risk of chronic disease and early ageing. And just like the other carotenoids, the ones in tomatoes are better absorbed in our bloodstream if served with a healthy oil source. This is why I always use a good quality extra virgin olive oil for my salads or cooked vegetables, and add avocado to almost everything!

Although the classic galette or pie crust requests butter, I wanted to keep mine light and decided to completely change the classic recipe by adding extra virgin olive oil and a little yeast, to avoid getting too much crunch and actually keeping it soft and airy.

If you want to experiment with tomatoes, make sure you also check my Roasted Tomato Soup, Mediterranean Quinoa Salad with Roasted Veggies or Lentil Pasta with Marinara Sauce.

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