USA on the road, cosa vedere tra Los Angeles e Las Vegas
Continuano i racconti del mio viaggio on the road in USA e dopo i primi giorni nella soleggiata Los Angeles ci siamo messi in macchina verso il deserto alla conquista di Las Vegas e dei parchi nazionali più belli.
Viaggiare in macchina può essere un po’ stancante (quiho scritto un post dedicato al tema della guida in America) ma vi rende autonomi e liberi, permettendovi di fermarvi dove e quando volete e di seguire una vostra mappa personale.
Oggi voglio condividere con voi tre posti assolutamente da vedere se avete deciso di spostarvi in macchina da Los Angeles verso Las Vegas o viceversa.
Una delle cose più belle della California, ma in generale di questa parte di America, è senza ombra di dubbio la natura, così selvaggia, magnifica e potente e in macchina potrete godervi paesaggi in continua mutazione, sempre diversi e con nuovi scenari davvero magici.
La distanza tra Los Angeles e Las Vegas è circa 430 chilometri (270 miglia) e ci si impiegano dalle 4 alle 5 ore in base alla strada e al traffico in uscita da Los Angeles. Uscendo da LA finirete sulla I-15, la strada che vi porterà a Las Vegas passando nel deserto: un’esperienza imperdibile e unica durante un on the road negli USA.
Ci sono tre tappe che vi consiglio assolutamente di fare per spezzare il vostro viaggio e scoprire posti che sono l’America può regalare .
Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch
Situato su un tratto della vecchia Route 66 a Oro Grande, in California, il Bottle Tree Ranch di Elmer Long è uno dei motivi principali per cui ci è piaciuto guidare attraverso posti in cui non eravamo mai stati prima.
In questa foresta di bottiglie, ogni albero è diverso. L’artista Elmer Long costruisce ogni singola struttura personalmente e condisce il tutto con strumenti di ogni genere (ruote, cartelli, pezzi di legno).
Ci sono circa 200 alberi nella foresta delle bottiglie, insieme a tutti i tipi di cose interessanti scovate da Elmer e suo padre nel corso degli anni. Oggetti che brillano al sole e fanno musica con il vento. È un posto davvero incredibile da visitare e mi è particolarmente piaciuto guardare questi oggetti alterati dal tempo in cima a molti alberi di bottiglia.
Il Bottle Tree Ranch è aperto dall’alba al tramonto e l’ingresso è gratuito. Per raggiungere questo tesoro nascosto, dovrete fare una deviazione che sicuramente vi piacerà: mentre siete sulla I-15, prendete l’uscita per la National Trails Highway nelle vicinanze di Victorville e proseguite per circa 15 chilometri. State guidando sulla Route 66.
Tenete d’occhio la strada perché non ci sono grandi cartelli che segnalano il ranch, ma con google maps sarà facilissimo.
Mangiare da Peggy Sue’s 50’s Diner
A pochi passi dalla Highway e dalla città fantasma di Calico, di fronte una base americana colma di carri armati in colorazione da deserto, trovate Peggy Sues con le sue cameriere vestite in puro stile anni 50 è veramente un posto in cui fare una sosta.
L’atmosfera che si respira inspira al periodo d’oro dei fastfood e della Route 66 ed ancora oggi all’interno sembra essere immersi in quei meravigliosi anni: da mangiare è il tipico americano con insalate, hamburger e tutti i soliti piatti americani da strada però ben fatti, gustosi e a prezzi decisamente dimezzati rispetto a Los Angeles. Non potrete non ammirare le centinaia di foto storiche e dischi in vinile appesi alla pareti, i colori accessi degli arredi, i tavoli e le tipiche sedie imbottite. C’è anche un piccolo shop e un ricco angolo dolci.
Jukebox, foto alle pareti, le divise delle cameriere, il milk shake, gli sgabelli al bancone, le cameriere che ti riempiono il bicchiere non appena è vuoto mentre ti chiamano “ Honey “. Tutto questo è Peggy Sue’s. Si trova al 35654 Yermo Rd, Yermo.
Seven Magic Mountains
Sette torri magiche svettano tra le pianure del deserto del Nevada a circa tre quarti d’ora da Las Vegas.
È l’ultima opera dell’artista svizzero Ugo Rondinone, che non lontano dalla Interstate 15 ha realizzato Seven Magic Mountains, un’installazione composta da sette forme totemiche dipinte di colori fluorescenti.
Un flash cromatico che abbaglia e magicamente seduce, imponendosi sul paesaggio circostante. Alte circa 10 metri, le sculture sono state create impilando giganteschi massi di roccia proveniente da Jericho, California.
Ogni masso ha un colore diverso, ma soprattutto una storia diversa da raccontare, legata all’arte e alla natura. Un progetto che vuole (far) riflettere sul rapporto tra l’ambiente incontaminato e il tocco dell’uomo, rappresentato dall’autostrada e dalle vicine città.
L’opera è un colpo al cuore, il deserto, il sole che abbaglia e brucia la pelle e queste torri super colorate sembrano quasi acqua nel deserto.
Mi ritengo fortunata per averla potuto ammirare, pare che presto verrà tolta, anche se io spero che decidano di tenerla.
This easy tortellini salad is the only pasta salad we bring to potlucks. It's quick and simple with an easy homemade vinaigrette that will make it stand out among a sea of macaroni salads.
Can I swap a few things out?
Absolutely! Swap the sun-dried tomatoes for fresh cherry tomatoes, use kale instead of spinach or bacon instead of salami, and replace the Parmesan with Pecorino or mozzarella. It's easily customizable!
How do I make the vinaigrette?
We love this dressing and making your own is very easy. The easiest way is to add all of your ingredients - vinegar, oil, seasonings - to a mason jar and shake, shake, shake until it's all combined. Super simple!
Can I make this ahead of time?
This salad is great to make ahead of time. It can be assembled and held at room temp for up to 2 hours or stored in the refrigerator overnight. If making the day before, we recommend waiting to add the spinach until ready to serve.
In a large pot of salted boiling water, cook tortellini according to package directions. Drain and transfer to large serving bowl.
Make dressing: Whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey and season with salt and pepper.
To bowl, add prosciutto, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and dressing and toss until well combined. Garnish with Parmesan.
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Do you feel frustrated or tired during the summers? Summers and heat can make you feel due to excessive sweating and loss of electrolytes. Coke and sugary beverages cannot always be the solution since they aren’t healthy and only make you dehydrated later. Turmeric tea has various proven health benefits and ice turmeric tea not only is tasty but it can also keep you energetic during the summers! Below is how you could make ice turmeric tea along with its benefits:
Turmeric has antioxidants and acts as an anti-inflammatory, and cinnamon has been shown to help with blood sugar levels and burn excess fat by boosting metabolism. More: Turmeric green tea recipe >>
Turmeric has long been used to help with rheumatoid arthritis – an inflammation of the joints and cartilage.
If you suffer from digestive problems in summers, this is the best drink you could have! Turmeric iced tea when consumed regularly may help people with frequent upset stomach or other stomach problems.
Turmeric ice tea keeps body cool and helps with internal inflammation.
Improves skin complexion.
Detoxifies body and liver
Things you need:
1 teaspoon organic turmeric powder
2 teaspoon organic green tea leaves
Honey as per taste
Juice of half a lemon
2 cups water
In a vessel, add 1 tablespoon organic turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of pure green tea leaves (dried or 2 tablespoons fresh).
Add 2 ½ cups of water and heat it.
Let it simmer for few minutes and turn off the flame.
Strain and let it cool. Toss the tea into fridge until it is chilled.
Pour the tea into Mason jar or any serving glass and add in Juice of half a lemon and honey as per taste.
You can also add in ice cubes for extra punch.
A word of caution –
Turmeric as a spice is safe, which means if one takes turmeric in limited amounts it has no side-effects.
Taking care of the gums and teeth forms a crucial part of the maintenance of overall health. Poor health of the gums or teeth is associated considerably with some of the chronic diseases and often contributes to a low self-esteem and even disability.
Gum care does not involve expensive tools or excessive time. It basically necessitates avoiding sugars and the implementation of flossing and tooth brushing that is the starting point for great oral care. In addition, it is advisable not to smoke, drink enough water and to obtain regular dental checkups and cleanings to keep the teeth cavity free and the gums healthy.
Home Remedies
Gum care is often neglected and on average about 3 out of 4 individuals, who are over the age of 35, suffers from some sort of disease of the gums. Healthy gums are extremely important for the correct dental hygiene. Healthy gums will be hard, compact, regular and red, while gums that are unhealthy may appear pale, dark red and spongy. A few symptoms related to diseased gums include sensitivity, a receding gum line, bleeding that occurs from brushing and swollen gums. Below are a few natural remedies to achieve gum health.
•Eating citrus fruits such as limes, lemon, grapefruit and oranges. Other essential fruits include pomegranates and guavas as these fruits are full of high levels of vitamin C.
•Massaging the gums every day with a combination of sesame oil, turmeric, black pepper and salt.
•Rubbing pure honey onto the gums is also a beneficial method to maintain healthy gums. Honey contains anti-microbial properties that are ideal to assist with gum diseases.
•If the gums bleed after brushing, it is advisable to switch to a softer bristle toothbrush.
•Flossing the teeth is highly beneficial for the area of the gums as this method effectively cleans away food particles between the teeth. Flossing is painful when there is already an existing gum disease and it is a better option to first strengthen the area of the gums by brushing regularly.
•Gargling with a home-made saline solution of warm water and salt assists in increasing the circulation to the area of the gums as well as decreasing swelling.
•In order to keep the mouth hygienic and to resist the buildup of bacteria, it is advisable to rinse the mouth with a mild mouth wash or salt water solution after each meal.
When there is a gum disease present it is important to avoid aspirin and alcohol as these products have a negative effect on blood clotting. Other ways that include maintaining oral health will be to check on plaque-forming conditions. The buildup of plaque is of the main contributing factors for gum diseases. Gum disease has the ability to become a serious issue when treated improperly or left untreated. For these reasons it is advisable to keep up to date with dentist visits and to consult with a dentist when there is an oral issue that has developed.
I just got a notification about our Sicily plane check-in – wow, is it already June? The first half of the year passed so quickly and although I try to fill my days with meaningful actions and live mindfully, it still feels like time is going by so fast.
Cooking seasonally is one of the ways to live the moment and it’s one of my favorite practices. It already is the tomato season and since I switched my cooking to the Mediterranean mode, I decided to make this basil flavored tomato pie with honey and feta cheese.
It was simply delicious! The only thing that I would improve is be to cook and serve it outdoors next to our beloved Mediterranean Sea (what a dream!).
Otherwise, the combination was really a hit. Honey and vinegar perfectly balance the tomato taste, while all the other details – aromatic herbs, toasted pine nuts, roasted garlic and the creamy feta cheese make this dish truly taste like holidays.
There’s so much more to explore about tomatoes beyond a simple salad. While most of the vegetables loose a lot of their nutrients when cooked, things are totally different with tomatoes. Their carotenoids lutein, lycopene and beta-carotene actually turn more stable when tomatoes are boiled or roasted, especially if their peel is kept untouched.
Lycopene especially has exceptional effects on lowering the lipid oxidation in our blood stream, reducing the risk of chronic disease and early ageing. And just like the other carotenoids, the ones in tomatoes are better absorbed in our bloodstream if served with a healthy oil source. This is why I always use a good quality extra virgin olive oil for my salads or cooked vegetables, and add avocado to almost everything!
Although the classic galette or pie crust requests butter, I wanted to keep mine light and decided to completely change the classic recipe by adding extra virgin olive oil and a little yeast, to avoid getting too much crunch and actually keeping it soft and airy.
It's taken me some time to figure out what to feed my daughter. She is two and a half and isn't too picky but has days where she would only eat fruit snacks if she could. I remember asking my mom what to do (probably drove her crazy and still do!), I looked on Pinterest for help, googled what to feed my toddler and now I finally feel I have a handle on it.
Mornings have been a little tough lately. She has been hungry but hasn't been into eating a big meal. We fix pancakes or waffles over the weekend and freeze them so she can eat them through out the week. She eats cereal some days too. I'm trying to steer her away from too sugary cereals but she will eat honey nut cheerios or Life cereal. She likes Lucky Charms (what kid doesn't) but she has gotten bad about picking the marshmallows out and eating only those so she doesn't get them as much. I try to give her milk or water to start out with and she takes a vitamin every day too. Side note: she used to only drink chocolate milk and while I'm OK with her drinking it every now and then she wasn't drink enough regular milk. We started calling it vanilla milk and now she drinks it all the time. Whatever works!
Snack time: I'm trying to get her to eat healthy snacks. I love that she chooses fruits most of the time. I usually give her pretzels (she loves when I put snacks like this in a cup to carry around), string cheese, fruit, sometimes she gets goldfish or a yogurt tube. Yogurt tubes are like gogurt but they are Chobanis version of those. My daughter has always loved yogurt. She mainly eats Greek yogurt which is good because she doesn't eat a lot of meat so she is still getting protein. She gets snacks a couple times a day. A few hours after breakfast, when she wakes up from her nap and before bedtime. I'm working on not snacking so much myself so that's helping her limit her snacks too. She either eats yogurt or ice cream before bed. She loves ice cream and I try to limit that as well.
I took some pictures this past week of meals she ate during lunch and dinner.
Lunch 1: Peaches, peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread and mixed vegetables. She loves peanut butter and jelly and I'm sure she would eat that every day but as you can see I've tried to give a little variety. She loves any kind of fruit and I think there are only a few vegetables she doesn't like but she cleaned her plate every time she ate this week!
Lunch 2: Apples, grilled cheese and green beans. I actually buy little cans of vegetables and warm those up for her each day. As you can see she tends to eat the same ones on the same day...I try not to waste them if I don't have to. I forget they are in the fridge sometimes.
Lunch 3: Peaches, a few shortbread cookies and english muffin pizza. Not the most healthiest of meals but I watch the sugars and things she eats during the week. It's all about moderation.
Dinner 1: Bananas, mixed vegetables and pulled pork. We called the pork "chicken" because she loves to eat chicken...she will figure out later in life that we've lied to her...but it gets her to eat! I try to get her to eat what we eat for dinner so I'm not making a lot of different things. We had pulled pork and cole slaw that night so she got fruit and veggies...unlike us...she's more healthy than me sometimes! Gotta work on that...
Dinner 2: Strawberries, green beans, cheese quesadilla with sour cream. She loves dipping her food in things but poor girl is allergic to ranch...she loves ketchup and barbecue sauce.
Dinner 3: Chili with cheese and a few wheat crackers. She cracked me up because she ate half of this bowl and then realized she was eating hamburger meat...she did finish most of it though so she could get a snack.
As far as drinks go, I give her milk with every meal and she still drinks half water half juice but mostly drinks just water. Sometimes we will give her a little gatorade, or mix in a little MIO or give her chocolate milk but those are all in moderation.
These are a few items I give her. The other day I made a snack for her I found on Pinterest. Bread rolled around peanut butter and a banana. She loved it! I'm trying to get us all to eat healthier and the thing I love about my daughter is that she tries things and either likes them or not but she actually eats a lot of things I don't like myself!
*I got these plates from Walmart and I love them!
***updated Toddler Meal post will be up first of the year! (12/22/13)***
This Syrup is going Crazy in the World!Heal Your Knees And Rebuild Your Bones And Joints.
Over time, our body can experience irreparable damage due to the usual wear and tear, and due to all this, we often suffer pain and discomfort. Our joints became less flexible, and we often feel aches in them, especially in the knees. Experts claim that joint pain is a result of various factors, such as aging, injuries, and poor body posture, and might lead to serious complications. This problem needs to be addressed in time in order to prevent further issues.
However, there is a natural remedy which is a perfect cure for the pain in the knees. Here is how to prepare it.
3 tablespoons of raisins
40 grams of pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin
4 tablespoons of sesame seeds
200 grams of honey
8 tablespoons of flaxseed
Method of preparation: All you need to do is to mix all the ingredients in a blender. Then, pour the mixture into a glass bottle, and store it in the fridge.
Use: You should take a tablespoon of the mixture twice daily, in the morning, on an empty stomach, and before your lunch. This syrup will boost the metabolism, and strengthen the joints and bones. In a very short time, you will experience great benefits!
If you know someone who suffers from bone and joint problems, send them this powerful recipe.
This fashion editorial is a rad AF Afrofuturism dreamworld
Guard your edges, honey, because photographer HOUSE OF ENID is fin-to snatch your wigs. A holographic neon pink futuristic dreamland, the lookbook below is for HOUSE OF ENID’s stunning URBAN PARADISE collection. Borrowing elements of afrofuturism with fantasy and fashion editorial the fashion house creates this 80s-esque aesthetic, one reminiscent of Gem and Thor era comic books, but refined and elevated for the fearless fashionista. Check out the lookbook for URBAN PARADISE, below, and follow HOUSE OF ENID on Tumblr for more bitchin’ looks.
This Couple Celebrated Their Wedding with a Colorful, Bohemian-Inspired Brunch
Teenage sweethearts Hayleigh and Corey Dial had for seven years before Corey . Aside from the fact that they were ready to take on the next chapter of their lives together, one other item was crystal clear: The couple wanted a celebration that reflected both of their personalities. Their idea of the perfect big-day vibe? Something laid-back, cheerful, and full of love. The winning formula, as Hayleigh calls it, resulted in their relaxed and brunch celebration, which was held at the in Austin, Texas.
Hayleigh and Corey invited 150 of their closest friends and family to their personalized November affair, where guests were treated to a one-of-a-kind celebration. "Although we got married in , we wanted our wedding to feel like a bright and sunny boho-inspired brunch party," says the bride. With a mix of warm colors, bright flowers, comfort food, and a number of romantic touches, the wedding day was reflective of the couple's favorite things from start to finish.
With a handmade invitation suite (crafted by the talented bride!) to thoughtful brunch-inspired treats (like and milk and honey lattes!), virtually every aspect of the event was . Another stand-out? The poetry station, where a poet wrote small pieces of prose on the fly for every guest who visited his table. Finding vendors that were just as committed to their vision made all the difference, the couple says—this also so happens to be their best wedding advice: "That's what we did and our wedding turned out better than anything we could have pulled off ourselves."
Crafty bride Hayleigh made the beautiful botanical invitations herself, using a vintage art piece as the base and a vellum overlay. The modern brush-stroke script kept the invite feeling fresh; a tiny rose gold fastener held everything together.
Oh yes, low porosity hair regimen is really important when it comes to hair care! But how can you build a regimen specifically just for your low porosity hair needs?
Before we just into it, Let me introduce myself if you're a newbie here!
Hi There! I am Queen, I would like to warmly welcome to my Natural hair Blog! Here i share great information and valuable tips that will help you maintain your natural hair, after all we all want a beautiful crown, right?! :)
I think we can learn to embrace and have fun taking care of our hair, so join me and let's do it together(Join My Exclusive Facebook Group to get instant access to me and let's build a community beyond hair)!
Lastly, i have a gift for you! We've all been there, The struggle to grow and maintain out hair Long! Ugh, i know trust me! My hair was stuck at shoulder-length for the longest till i finally passed it :) Now my hair is all the way to my bra strap!
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's continue!
Well, today we are going to talk all about building the right low porosity hair regimen!
The Ultimate Low Porosity Hair Regimen Strategy
How Do You Know If You Have Low Porosity Hair?
A great way to know your porosity level if you are not sure if you have low or high porosity hair is by you taking the hair porosity test.
The porosity test is fairly easy to do and it will help you understand better your hair type.
Since natural hair can be different from person to person, so is your hair porosity level.
How do you do it? You will place the strand of hair in a glass of water.
Then, allow a few minutes for the hair to absorb the water at its own rate.
Note that the hair that remains at the top of the water is listed as low porosity hair.
If your strand of hair flows midway in the glass is classified as average porosity. Lastly, If your hair sinks to the bottom almost immediately are called high porosity.
Basic Simple Tips for forming the perfect regimen for low porosity hair.
Weekly Hair Tasks to include into your low porosity hair regimen.
1- Pre-poo. The Question is, How do you pre-poo?
Well, You pre-poo your hair the night prior to washing. A good pre-poo to try is Naptural85’s pre-poo method.
2- Wash and deep condition my hair. After I shampoo your hair you should always deep condition.
Since your hair is low porosity and is hard to absorb moisture, it needs all the help it can get.
A great way to go about it is to use a moisturizing deep conditioner because of the low porosity aspect of your hair.
Your hair needs more moisture than it needs protein. but when you feel that it needs protein, you should trade the moisturizing deep conditioner for a light protein deep conditioner.
A great deep conditioner to try is TGIN Honey Miracle Deep Conditioner and you can also use the TGIN Moisturizing Shampoo on wash days.
3-Deep condition with heat: If you have low porosity hair then by now you will find out that deep conditioning is truly a must for low porosity hair.
It’s a really important way of getting moisture to penetrate the shaft of the hair.
Note that heat will help open the cortex and make it easier for moisture to penetrate your hair shaft.
If you can’t sit under a dryer, you can steam your hair while deep conditioning, use your handheld blow dryer, or just deep condition overnight.
A good trick is to warm up your deep conditioner, This will help the process of your deep conditioning.
When you are done, rinse with cool water to seal in the moisture that your hair has taken in.
An important thing to do when deep conditioning my hair:
I use heat. After applying your deep conditioner, I sit under a hooded dryer to allow maximum hydration to my hair strands for 15 to 30 minutes.
Normally, After you wash and deep condition, you should put my hair in a kind of protective style for the week.
You will notice that protective styles help a lot with length retention and you want your hair to grow, right?!
How do you Moisturize Low Porosity hair daily?
You might ask yourself, okay but how do you keep your hair feeling moisturized and smooth?
The answer? A Leave-In Conditioner!
Do you know that leave-in conditioners come with many benefits as it contains antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients that are good for the overall health of your hair?
Oh yes, Leave-in conditioners are the best way to go for those with low porosity hair.
Why? Because your hair has a very hard time absorbing moisture so with a leave in conditioner you can be sure that the moisture stays locked in the hair.
Regular use of leave in conditioners can help revive damaged, dulled hair, prolong hair, encourage new hair growth.
The Low Porosity Hair Regimen Breakdown
Let me break down important steps you should follow or at least try during this time you’re building your hair regimen for low porosity.
How to moisturize low porosity hair daily
To learn how to moisturize low porosity hair daily & effectively, I think you need to experiment with different methods to see which is best for you.
From what’s known, the two most common methods of moisturizing hair are the ‘LCO method’ & the ‘LOC method’.
It is known that the LCO method is best for low porosity hair but let’s get to know both methods:
L = Liquid
C = Cream
O = Oil
The LCO method stands for:L – Add a liquid to the hair = hydration (water or a water based leave-in conditioner.)
C – Cream.
O – Oil or butter( it seals and help retain hydration in your hair)
You can keep your hair hydrated by doing this method from a couple of times a day to each 2 or 3 days.
Why do we wash our hair? Well, The goal on wash day is to remove product build-up, refresh, cleanse and moisturize my hair.
It’s wise to try to do styles that can carry you through the week.
I love washing my hair in 3-4 sections for easy detangling and washing.(Try it!)
Clarifying Your hair can be done monthly or every 6 to 8 weeks.
Did you know that buildup can prevent hair from absorbing water when a moisturizing treatment is applied?
That’s why it’s best for you to use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a month to remove old products from your strands.
Then, follow with a protein-free rinse out conditioner.
A cool trick is to wash your low porosity hair with warm instead of cold water to help the cuticle open a bit which will allow the moisturizing ingredients from the conditioner to enter the hair shaft.
Once you’re done with conditioning you ca rinse with cool water to close the cuticle and seal the moisture inside the hair.
Bentonite clay is a great natural deep cleanser for low porosity hair.
Why? It has strong absorptive properties that attract the impurities and remove excess product buildup.
A bentonite clay hair mask softens resistant hair, making it more manageable and receptive to styling products.
Clarify with Bentonite Clay Since Shampoo can dry your hair and make it harder to moisturize your cortex is already laid down compactly shut, so you want to focus on gentle ways of cleansing.
Using a bentonite clay mixed with carrier oils as well as ACV would leave a clean refreshed feeling without being stripped.
Another thing to try is to rinse this mixture out of your hair with warm water to help keep the cuticles open as you proceed with your normal wash day regimen as it was mentioned the above video.
How to add deep conditioning into your low porosity hair regimen
Deep conditioning (at least once a month) is crucial for loading low porosity hair with necessary moisture.
A good way to start is by applying your conditioner to clean, damp hair then apply mild heat to make the deep treatment more effective.
Since you know that one of the best ways to help moisture enter the hair shaft is to incorporate a steamer or with a heated gel cap into your hair care regimen.
When Using a hair steamer for 15-30 minutes, it can help loosen up tightly closed cuticles, allowing the conditioning ingredients to penetrate the hair shaft and infuse your strands with moisturizing nutrients.
A quick option is to sit under a hooded dryer with a plastic cap on for 10-15 minutes.
Last but not least, wait for about two hours if you are using a plastic cap and your own body heat or just deep condition overnight.
Also warming up your deep conditioner will help the process as well. When you are done you can rinse with cool water to seal in the moisture that your hair has taken in.
What to use Right After You’ve washed and Deep Conditioned Your hair?
A great thing to do is to use a water-based, leave-in conditioner on damp hair after every shampooing.
Liquid-based leave-in conditioner, that contains little to no protein, will infuse your non-porous hair with hydration and lubricate the hair shaft, without coating the hair with too much product.
Another way to add moisture is: Steam your hair!
A good way to add moisture into your hair is to steam your hair 1-2xs a week for 10-15 minutes to help open up cuticle of your hair.
What about Protein treatments on Low Porosity hair?
You can do a light protein treatment every 6 -8 weeks on your hair.
Although low porosity hair is not protein-friendly, it still needs moisture/protein balance to behave.
Note; Stay away from too much protein!!
Did you know that low porosity hair usually is protein sensitive and does not require too much protein?
But since many products do contain protein without necessarily being a protein based treatment you need to check and go for moisture based products instead of protein products that will have your hair feeling very dry.
If you don’t check that, it can also lead to damage and breakage.(Yikes!)
Let’s talk Lighter Oils for Low porosity hair Regimen!
Since low porosity hair struggles to allow moisture in, it will also struggle to allow oils to penetrate the shaft.
We all know that oils will sit on top of the strands and weigh it down causing your hair to feel heavy.
Try focusing less on heavier oils such as coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil you’ll want to focus on lighter oils like grapeseed, almond oil, and babassu oil.
How to Style Your Low Porosity hair?
Here are some great options for styling your hair:
Pull it back in a bun and wear it like that for the rest of the week.
Twist or braid my hair and wear a twist/braid out for most of the week
Try Protective styles!
Great Conditioners for low porosity hair
Aussie Moist
Aussie Moist Deeeeep Conditioner
Giovanni, Smooth as Silk
Giovanni 50/50
Tresseme Naturals
Suave Shea and Almond
Cantu Shea Butter
Things to remember to incorporate into your regimen if you have low porosity hair.
Heat. Heat is your best friend whether you’re deep conditioning or applying products. It helps with the absorption of the products.
Spray your hair with hot water before applying your products if you don’t have time to sit under a dryer or steamer.
Even when your hair is in a protective style, remember to moisturize regularly.
What’s Your Biggest Struggle in your hair regimen?
Hey Low Porosity Hair Natural, What to Read Next?! Check these awesome posts out:
The True Honey Co.’s (TTHC) honey is among the purest Manuka on the planet, honey that can fetch $240 per jar. They came to Think Packaging needing a package that reflected the rare and ultra-premium nature of the product, as well as the honest and transparent values of their brand.
As it would only be sold online, the box’s delivery would be the first physical touchpoint the consumer would have with TTHC. The brief was that the honey must arrive safely and look like it was worth every penny when it they got it.
Working closely with Marx Design, the starting point was creating a custom pack that could work over four glass jar sizes. Many CAD drawn dielines and hand-cut/assembled mockups were made. The chosen direction, predictably, was the most challenging – creating a triangular segment that cradles the entire jar to create an impact zone. Fully suspended, it creates a 360-degree grip on the jar, allowing zero movement.
The segments, while functional, open beautifully to reveal the precious honey inside. To add further form, a perfect-fit outer-wrap was designed to adhere to each segment. The whole package became one compelling piece, revealing the precious premium cargo inside. To premiumise the experience of unboxing, a tear-strip was tailored; sealing the package and creating the feeling that something previously untouched lay within. As you peal the box open, a glimmer of honey is seen, then the segments collapse in stages, revealing the jar inside - showcased on a purpose-built stage of beautiful protective packaging.
The final test of function was the drop-test. With constant alterations after each failure, we were able to produce repeated successful drops from 1.8m. This feat of engineering allowed us to do away with nasty bubble wrap and foam protectors, commonly used in shipping.
Thinking inside the box, we’ve created a truly beautiful, yet robust, piece of packaging that works as hard as the bees themselves.
From “The Tale Of Squirrel Nutkin” by Beatrix Potter
Illustrations by Beatrix Potter
He had a brother called Twinkleberry, and a great many cousins: they lived in a wood at the edge of a lake.
Each squirrel had a little sack and a large oar, and spread out his tail for a sail.
Then Twinkleberry and the other little squirrels each made a low bow, and said politely-
“Old Mr. Brown, will you favour us with permission to gather nuts upon your island?”
“Riddle me, riddle me, rot-tot-tote!
A little wee man, in a red red coat!
A staff in his hand, and a stone in his throat;
If you’ll tell me this riddle, I’ll give you a groat.”
Now this riddle is as old as the hills; Mr. Brown paid no attention whatever to Nutkin.
He shut his eyes obstinately and went to sleep.
“Mr. Brown, will you favour us with your gracious permission to gather some more nuts?”
“Old Mr. B! Riddle-me-ree!
Hitty Pitty within the wall,
Hitty Pitty without the wall;
If you touch Hitty Pitty,
Hitty Pitty will bite you!”
Mr. Brown woke up suddenly and carried the mole into his house.
“A house full, a hole full!
And you cannot gather a bowl-full!”
But Nutkin gathered oak-apples-yellow and scarlet-and sat upon a beech-stump playing marbles, and watching the door of old Mr. Brown.
They paddled over the lake and landed under a crooked chestnut tree on Owl Island.
“The man in the wilderness said to me,
‘How many strawberries grow in the sea?’
I answered him as I thought good-
‘As many red herrings as grow in the wood.'”
But old Mr. Brown took no interest in riddles-not even when the answer was provided for him.
But Nutkin sang as rudely as ever-
“Old Mr. B! riddle-me-ree
Flour of England, fruit of Spain,
Met together in a shower of rain;
Put in a bag tied round with a string,
If you’ll tell me this riddle, I’ll give you a ring!”
Which was ridiculous of Nutkin, because he had not got any ring to give to Old Brown.
But Nutkin skipped up and down, singing-
“Hum-a-bum! buzz! buzz! Hum-a-bum buzz!
As I went over Tipple-tine
I met a flock of bonny swine;
Some yellow-nacked, some yellow backed!
They were the very bonniest swine
That e’er went over Tipple-tine.”
But he ate up the honey!
But Nutkin sat upon a big flat rock, and played ninepins with a crab apple and green fir-cones.
But Nutkin ran in front laughing, and shouting-
“Humpty Dumpty lies in the beck,
With a white counterpane round his neck,
Forty doctors and forty wrights,
Cannot put Humpty Dumpty to rights!”
“Old Mr. B! Old Mr. B!
Hickamore, Hackamore, on the King’s kitchen door;
All the King’s horses, and all the King’s men,
Couldn’t drive Hickamore, Hackamore,
Off the King’s kitchen door.”
Nutkin danced up and down like a sunbeam; but still Old Brown said nothing at all.
“Arthur O’Bower has broken his band,
He comes roaring up the land!
The King of Scots with all his power,
Cannot turn Arthur of the Bower!”
Nutkin made a whirring noise to sound like the wind, and he took a running jump right onto the head of Old Brown!…
Then all at once there was a flutterment and a scufflement and a loud “Squeak!”
The other squirrels scuttered away into the bushes.
But Nutkin was in his waistcoat pocket!
Old Brown carried Nutkin into his house, and held him up by the tail, intending to skin him; but Nutkin pulled so very hard that his tail broke in two, and he dashed up the staircase and escaped out of the attic window.